
Dark souls tomb of the giants light
Dark souls tomb of the giants light

dark souls tomb of the giants light

Head out and turn left up the new path, try to avoid getting too close to the statues as some of them can be traps.

dark souls tomb of the giants light dark souls tomb of the giants light

At the bottom kill two more skeletons and head into a hallway on the left, on the other end kill two more skeletons and go through a hole in the wall on your left to come to a room with a new bonfire and a Necromancer, these are the enemies responsible for causing the skeletons to reanimate after you've killed them, there are six in total in the Catacombs area and once they are all dead you will no longer need to rely on your Divine weapons to stop them coming back to life as the Necromancers do not respawn, when you can rest at the bonfire and then use the lever beside it to create a new opening in the other room.

Dark souls tomb of the giants light